Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday Morning Thirteen

I have had a pretty free week. We were wondering why, but I think it was because we were gone this week last month for traveling to Anne's wedding. So, when I have been scheduling my directees four weeks out from their last sessions, there was no one being scheduled out from this week last month. 

I enjoyed it. I did lead a small group for the 2HC, which makes sense because I met with them while I was on the road last month because that was a set thing I had committed to leading every month. We stopped in Chowchilla at a good hotel, with good wi-fi so that I could lead the group.

Leading that group was the highlight of my week, really. One, I love this group. They are a really neat group of people, and they are committed to doing the work throughout the month and coming to the group sharing time. There was a lot that came out of that group sharing too, and I think the pot is being stirred for many of them in all the right ways. It is stirring things in my soul. 

One of the things we did was to evaluate our spiritual community in terms of Henri Nouwen's talk on Communion with God, Community with others, and Ministry (Commission) to others. We were supposed to draw a picture of how that looked for us, and I could not think of a picture. I drew one last time, and I wanted to have a fresh one for this year, but nothing was coming - even after my drawing time during our community worship on Sunday.

But then George brought me my malt-o-meal breakfast, and it said, "I did it in circles," not knowing that Nouwen talks about the above in terms of circles! 

He had done a big tablespoon lump of brown sugar in the middle and cut my string cheese in little circles spread throughout the Malt-O-Meal. Then there was the circle of the Malt-O-Meal. So, God and communion are the brown sugar, the little string cheese circles are the community, and the circle of Malt-O-Meal is the world. 

When it all gets stirred up, God permeates the world, and the people melt into the cereal too. There is unity and oneness in it all.

(Then on top of all that, my time with God the next day was on COMMUNITY - and Pray as You Go also had a theme that went along with it.) 

Then I put a couple of pictures with our community actually discussing the article around our fire table (I am reading about Hygge too - so I was trying to create a cozy time for everyone.) and all of us at the annual prayer event as we pray for the world. 

I know it probably only makes sense to ME!

There is the timer.

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