Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday FreewriteF

Back to the Chip Ross Trail I almost fainted on July 13.
 Not as hot, in the shade, and went down it instead of up it this time!

I figure it is time to post another freewrite. I am up early for time with God, and I have all these thoughts. 

Pray as You Go was about wisdom. I think that is definitely what I need. Opportunities abound. It was good that I let go of attending and helping lead the 3rd Watch for the OMS in this season (and maybe forever). I really love the OMS. It has been so good for me to have that community rule of life to evaluate and fall back on, but I am not sure, at this juncture, what my involvement should be in the future. I am almost certain I will probably not lead another Year of Preparation Cohort in order to make way for a Contemplative Cohort with four women who live internationally. 

I also want wisdom about this offer that came up last week. I am somewhat surprised about it. I have an opportunity to lead a cohort of new spiritual directors who are also cross-cultural workers. I would facilitate ongoing development in their life and supervision as they head out as new spiritual directors. I think that is pretty much my dream job and came at the same time my church had approached me about leading a cohort of people who have gone through their leadership/development program. So there is that. 

I also was asked to co-write a blog post with my spiritual director, Fran. That was something that hung over my head for days (even dreaming about it). But I set a timer for 15 minutes and did a freewrite about it. With only minor adjustments, I sent it to Fran. Now, I have to retype some things because Fran sent it in a program I cannot edit. Ugh!

On top of all that, Eric asked me to make a video of me leading people through the Cycle of Grace. I think that will be quick, and I can use that in the future. 

I also need to finish well with the Fruitful Disciple Podcasts. I have to attach resources to my interviews with A and D. I have started A's. 

So, I have some projects to do. But they are all things I am passionate about and love to do!

On a great note, my eating has been on target for five weeks straight! I have done the Personal Points Program of Weight Watchers, and it has been great. I think it is coming off much more slowly because fruits and fat-free yogurt are free, and I love those! I like the flexibility though, and I have eaten out for our dates and still lost weight because I make up for it on other days and have a LOT of exercise points that are added to my weekly points total. I think I have lost between 10 and 15 points which is what I really wanted to lose. I want to lose a bit more. I am still in the normal range for my weight, but I think as I have gotten older when I do gain, much of it is in my stomach! I don't like the bulge! So, my love handles are gone, but now, I want my stomach to go away! LOL! It is going well, and K and I are doing it together. WW works for me for some reason. It is more doable now that they don't have all these ridiculous questions I have to answer before I can get out of the "track your weight part." They are optional now. Whew. They have also done away with the rewards program (I think because I am not getting extra points added every time I log a meal.)

So much more to log, but I think the things I need to do are good enough. It was good to just get it down on paper. Today we meet with a married couple early this morning. After that, I have the rest of the day to work on projects. 


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