Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lightworks One/2:1 (Ps 139) Freewrite

I am going to not go by Day 1, Day 2, etc. for Lightworks of the Spiritual Exercises by Tetlow because I am not necessarily going to be writing about it every single day and Lightworks One/2 can last for up to a whole week with the repetitions. So, this is how I will mark it from now on.

(I am not sure why the word is "courteously" - Should it be "continuously"? The word they use doesn't make sense to me.)

The Grace I pray for is:

I ask God for the gift of acknowledging the divine Presence, Emmanuel and the Spirit of Life.

So, I have to say what was cool. I said it in my Freewrite yesterday, but I don't remember if I mentioned that the first passage of Scripture Ps 139 is part of Lightworks One/2! So, it was so cool that I lost an hour of sleep with the time change to Idaho, AND my brother accidentally called me from the East Coast at 3:45 am the morning before. So, I slept in until 5:30 and had to leave for training at 6:50 and needed to do my rolling and stretching and all. So, I did not get to Ps 139 (just the Examen and praise). God said not to worry, and that is what we meditated on in the group Spiritual Direction time! So, that was very cool. 

This next passage is John 3, and I am still going to meditate further on it tomorrow. Today, I was struck by the text for this week where he points out Jeremiah 13:11:

Jeremiah 13:11 11For as a belt is bound around the waist, so I bound all the people of Israel and all the people of Judah to me,' declares the LORD, 'to be my people for my renown and praise and honor. But they have not listened.' We really were meant to be his people as close as a BELT, and it was cool as I meditated on that because I was wearing a BELT of a Therma Care Heat Wrap around my waist because I am still tight right at the waist level muscles on the left side. So I felt that belt, and that is what he wants. He is with us always, and I see that I am not pulled to disconnect with Him anymore when I see other people running around like chicken with their heads cut off in ministry! I got home from Boise, and I did have the morning, but I had to start working on something for ministry starting at 11am and did not stop working (except taking a shower and dressing from 2:45-3:15) until 9 pm that night! Talk about hitting the beach running after this contemplative/relational weekend with Spiritual Direction Training! I had to interact with lots of younger people about one of the ministry things, and I found myself NOT getting frustrated at the lack of decision, and I didn't feel pressured because people are asking what the schedule is for an event that I am coordinating with someone else. Also, I was able to say that I could not do anymore for the event as I was already doing a lot of it, and the other person totally accepted that, and I DIDN'T FEEL BAD FOR SAYING IT! Which for me, is HUGE. God IS with me, always! I am clinging to him like a belt. I was able to be calm when no decisions were made even with a scheduled phone call. That was huge too. And when I didn't hear back (because I understand that that person cannot commit to any hours of work until they consult with others - different life stage then me, and I totally understand that), I just went ahead and made a schedule with just the framework. I did what I could do, and I left the rest. It will work out. No worries. We will have a schedule by the time the event happens on June 1 (the events starts May 31, but we did get that part ironed out). Anywho, I was able to make up a flyer for the event and bring it to a big event happening last night where I needed to set up two tables. I was wearing three hats last night, but I got there way earlier than everyone, set up my tables and then went up the top floors of the event location and looked out the window at the blue sky above and had a half hour of solitude. I was so calm and when George came to do the event with me, I ended up leaving it an hour early and let him take down the two tables I set up. I KNEW God was with me, and that is what being a Contemplative in Action is all about. I love what I am learning lately. You are with me, and I am clinging to you like a belt, Lord! Time's up.

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Day 2 Freewrite

I was going have a freewrite last night, but I fell asleep. So even though I am posting this on January 3rd, it is about January 2nd. Yester...