Thursday, May 09, 2019

Fifteen Minutes Freewrite

I have been doing the seven day Freewrite challenge on Facebook this week, but it is only seven minutes, and I think I am so much more self-conscious writing there! I think a lot more people see my Facebook page than this blog. So I am more inhibited there. That has been an interesting thought.

Today has been lovely. The sun is shining. It was 81 degrees outside at 1 pm, and I wonder what it is now. Wow, quick peak: 85 degrees! That is lovely. I am supposed to go to our community meeting tonight, but I am really, really tired! I am not sure why, but I think I will pass in order to get some down time. George just informed me that he is working up in Hillsboro tomorrow, and I am welcome to join him, but I have a spiritual direction appointment with my bestie, Kim. So, I am going to have to pass, and I am sad. Maybe I should postpone the appointment since I am well over my quota for my supervision hours. I am probably twice the number of hours that I need, but I really want to check in with Kim and hear how God is working in her life. Seriously, one of my favorite things to do is to hear how God is working in someone's life! 

This week has been very monumental. 1) I finished my guide the Spiritual Exercises called Exercises for Everyone. This is the first draft, and I already went through it last night and read through the whole thing and made some edits and corrections. Now I am going to sit on it, and I already felt led to add a page about "Distinguishing of Spirits" that Ignatius has in the appendix part of the Exercises. It is just 98 pages in Microsoft Word and a far cry from the monumental project of the Bible Book Club which ended up being 3500 pages! I love it thought. It is very simple and preserves the simplicity of the Exercises. It just makes them easier to understand and more accessible for everyone. I have this crazy, crazy idea of making a Spiritual Exercises Podcast. I really want to make them accessible for all people from all faiths. They are so, so good. I heart Ignatius of Loyola. 

Speaking of Ignatius, my own journey through the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life ended officially today. I had my last spiritual direction meeting with Mike last Friday, but I still had some "Savoring of the Graces" I received left. So I prayed through the last thing yesterday and hung up my hat of my second time through the Exercises up. What a lovely, lovely journey. I got up this morning and had PSSD - Post SEEL Stress Disorder (SEEL means Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life)! I didn't know what to do with myself because I have had Mike directing me in my prayer life for the last eight months! 

All that said, I will do just fine! I prayed through Face to Face this morning, but I think I might pray through the book of Acts and do some Ignatian Imaginary Contemplation through it. What fun things I did even thought I have done this since 1981. I WISH I would have learned about the larger context of the Exercises when I started doing this contemplation back then. It would have been so fun. 

Someone has texted me three times since I started this freewrite because my Apple Watch is going off, but I have been so disciplined to keep my fingers continuously typing away instead of being distracted by the watch screaming at me. HAHAHAHAHAHHA.



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Day 2 Freewrite

I was going have a freewrite last night, but I fell asleep. So even though I am posting this on January 3rd, it is about January 2nd. Yester...