Sunday, January 31, 2016

#100HealthyDays 28-30 and Sunday Sixteen Minute Freewrite Combined!

Here we go with a sixteen minutes free flowing freewrite to let my fingers do the talking across the keyboard. This will be great for my soul. Woops. George just woke up, and I fixed him breakfast, and he is sitting across from me expecting conversation. So, I will put this on hold until he goes back to bed as he is sick. 

So here I go now at 10:14:

I am doing two things at once. I am hearing Donald Trump's interview with Face the Nation. Talk about a spoiled sport. Seriously? Megan Kelly treated you badly by asking a legitimate question? So sad. So he raised 6 million dollars for vets. He is very impressed with himself. It is so sad. He is so insecure. 

This week was really good. I had a hard time fasting for the week of prayer and fasting with teaching Pilates and doing personal training work. So, I just did it partially on Monday and Tuesday. It is hard when you are in a resistance program. I am OK fasting if I am doing light exercise, but it is not easy to do it when you are improving your cardiovascular and in Phase 3 Hypertrophy stage of weight training. I had a GREAT time all week praying though. I am so loving praying through Pray for the World! So I really emphasized that this week.

We are going to try to go to Adoration tonight even though George has not been feeling well since Friday. Yesterday, after I walked and lifted weights, I rested with George and watched the rest of Downton Abbey with George (I had already finished it on Tuesday night by myself but watched it again with him). After that, we went back to Series 1! It is so fun to see the foreshadowing now that I know how each of the characters ends up. BUT MUMS THE WORD! I would not give the ending of this great show away before the world sees it. So, MUMS UNTIL MARCH!

So, I am getting a lot stronger. That has been so great. I am SOLD on the Optimum Performance Training model of the National Academy of Sports Medicine! It was so great for me to go back to square one of the whole thing. If I had not had that injury, I would never know what it was like to go back to square ONE which is where most people start! :) I am as strong as I was when I was lifting really heavy weights during the Group Power class that I took three times a week for 2 1/2 years. It was so hard to go back to it after my injury because I could not be supine on my back well! 

I have two new clients and maybe three. Most are deconditioned, and I am happy to help them get conditioned! 

Well, there you go. I wasted some time looking at some other stuff.

Oh, by the way, I am doing a 2 1/2 week trim down. I have a pecky five pounds that I let creep up during my Pilates training in August. I was not burning as many calories but getting stronger! I do not regret it, but I want to burn those stored calories! Calories in and out! So, February 1 - February 18 when we go to San Diego. 

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