Thursday, May 17, 2012

Balancing my Life

Thursdays have been a counseling day, but I am trying to get back into balance. So, I am going to take some time off from it. It was just a "when it rains it pours" kind of season in April and May.

I would really like a new schedule. Like the thought of spending an hour every day in my room to work on things in there or the master bathroom. I want to be standing up for that amount of time. I am also starting to feel munchy at the time, and it helps me stay active.

I also feel like an afternoon workout really is better for me, but I LOVE Pilates. It just is not at a good time for me. I wish there were an afternoon Pilates class. The one they have on T/Th is too late for me to get home and have dinner with the family. Need to think through all of that.

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