Monday, July 02, 2018

Monday Morning Freewrite

Freewrite for fifteen GO!

The weekend was grand. I went on a date with George. So we are on about 20 weeks straight of dates. This has been so good for us to just sit down across from each other and talk. We were good before, but it has been a really good thing to do with him working up in Hillsboro and me working down here for so many years.

I subbed for a regular Pilates class Sunday afternoon, and it was really good. The women were obviously a little bit younger and fitter, so I asked them if they would mind doing Pilates on the ball, and it was so great to do. I was even a little sore this morning since I have not taught a ball class in about a month!

I also ran yesterday. Granted it was 60 seconds running followed by 90 seconds of walking, so I only ran about 9 or 10 minutes out of a 40 minute walk, but I know the latest research says that if you run for even 10 minutes twice a week, you will see heart benefits. I will have to look that up, but it was something like that. It felt good because my core is strong. I am going to give myself one more week of Gentle Pilates teaching and doing this little bit of running every week and then I am adding Group Power into the mix of everything. Then I just need to tamper my eating which I did do yesterday. 

In fact, there was no after dinner snacking because I fell asleep at about 7:30 with definite la la land at 8:30. What? I think I am really behind in my sleeping from France and am still catching up. I feel much better this week than I did last week though.

I need to finish my book Living Wisely with the Church Fathers in order to lead a book club discussion at 11 am at Betty's tomorrow! Ack! I only have 1 1/2 chapters to go. It has been OK to read, but it is a bit too academic for me. I think this is the one thing I would say about Renovare in general: they can be quite academic. I love the minds of these people, but I need a bit more relational and less academic. So, I am glad I am exiting. I am really glad. It has been a good ride. I still am writing my papers which will keep me busy through the end of July, but it had become more of a weight than a wing for me. I wish I could have found more soulmates there. I think I am always looking for soulmates, but I realize that I have them right here where I live, and I didn't need to go to Washington to find them. I do love Beth though. She has been great, and I am sure there were probably more soulmates in the group, but we are not given the space to explore that as our schedule is very academically packed with lectures. This was the most surprising thing for me. I really did not think it would be like that. I thought we would have more time to go off by ourselves and reflect, but it is very little time by yourself to reflect. Oh well. I should have investigated it more.  

I did wake up thinking, "I have to write those papers!" I want the weight off of me. July is pretty busy: Fourth of July, Advanced Pilates Training, Women's Fitness Specialist Exam studying, finishing up Renovare Book Club,  TOAG Retreat, Nav Reunion, Gentle Pilates Class at TAC and subbing every other Sunday, Paul's final procedures on his teeth (and two prep appointments), LeAnne and Jean, our anniversary, my birthday, and Elise and Isaiah's wedding. WOW it is a lot! 

But AUGUST is almost totally FREE! SO I am very happy to be done with Renovare for good and able to move on to other things. I have asked George to do the SEEL Retreat with me for next year. I am excited about that. I am still waiting for confirmation. 

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