Friday, April 01, 2016

Friday Freewrite Firmly Driven

I had set my alarm for 5:30 am, but I woke up at 4:24, forced myself to go back to sleep, and finally gave up and got up at 5 am. Now I am showered and making my Chai for the big day ahead.

What was just a dream last June is now become a reality as we are praying for the nations up in Portland. It should be great. I am so looking forward to it, and I am ready after a full day of rest yesterday.

Yes, I got some little things off my to do list, took a walk, etc; but I rested after my fall on Wednesday. I don't know if I said what happened in my last freewrite. I usually have to take off my shoes when I am teaching anyway. So instead of carrying them from one class to the other, I decided to leave my shoes down in the office. Not a good idea. I was coming from my successfully executed second class on Wednesday. I turned to go down the stairs, and my first step slipped forward and started tumbling down the stairs on my bum. I would have probably kept going, but I grabbed the arm rail tightly to stop my fall. Thus, I scraped my elbow and bent my arm back unnaturally. I also twisted my knee on the opposite side.

I think the best thing I could have done was to do Pilates that night so that I could unstick my body. My back did NOT get wrenched which I am very thankful for.

(Now I am thinking I already did a freewrite about this because the word "wrench" was a word I used yesterday. If you read my blog, I apologize for the repeat.)

I woke up yesterday morning OK, but I felt sore all over. They say that happens after a car accident too when you are not seriously injured. So, I laid low and just took a walk once if warmed up so that I can unstick myself.

All that to say is that I think I needed the emotional rest more than I needed the physical one. I know that I come out borderline on the Introvert/Extrovert scale, but I had serious need of "I" time yesterday. I had someone text me requesting another favor, and I just cried, "Not one more thing!" I have had a LOT of people contact and teaching at the university makes me go over my weekly people quotient more quickly!

So there you go. :) 

All that to say is that I am rested. I truly am rested. I am listening to "Soothing Worship" by Jon Thurlow, and I feel like I am syncing with the Lord well. 

It has not been 15 minutes, but my hair is drying fast, and I want to get to my time with God before I dry it. I got up to Portland with Nessa and her sister in a little over an hour, and I still need to pack my bags!


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