Thursday, October 31, 2024

Fifteen Minute Freewrite

Order of the Mustard Seed Ring - Vow Ceremony 

It is Thursday, and I just finished listening to Pete Grieg's opening message for the 24-7 Gathering in Rotterdam. I went to the Vow Ceremony this morning at 6 am (I did not read the email and thought it was at another time - actually, I think they must have changed it because I had another day and time on my calendar - usually they do it on the last day of The Gathering, but they did it before The Gathering even started this time). It was a God moment for sure. I'm glad I signed in under the OMS sign-in (I couldn't find my link so went there and just pressed) because it automatically made me a co-host, and the regular host must not have seen that people needed to be let in the meeting because there were so many people waiting in the waiting room. So, I let them all in and proceeded to let about another 50 more throughout the two hour time (a couple of people kept coming in and out). So, it was good I signed in that way.

It was beautiful, and I got to see Kevin take his vows, which was nice. I wish I could have seen Meredith take hers, though. I have not heard from her in over a month. I texted her while she was at the conference but never heard back.

It is hard to believe that today was the day we had the OMS USA Retreat. It was a lot of meetings, and I wasn't very comfortable at first, but I ended up liking it a lot.

24-7 people are good people. 

I had something that sort of bugged me today, but I talked to George about it, and we both came to the same conclusion that I am definitely not supposed to be a part of it, and being "excluded" from the "big table" is really a gift from him. There are other things that God has for me to do. 

I think that can be true for being excluded from another thing. That caused me to create my own thing, and I feel pretty happy that I can create! I think it will be really good in the end.

I am taking a class on Body Restoration and Renew. I want to include whole classes in my repertoire, and I also want to use some of the these movements at the end of my active class. I just always seem to run out of time in my active class. I need to just skip some exercises so that I can do that. I was getting nauseatiated from some of the movements in the training, but I think it was because I was getting sick. It is some kind of flu. I took some Day Quill, and it has made me feel so much better. I didn't get nauseated today when doing a 50 minute class. I just have two more sessions, and I can take the final exam and be certified to teach a Restorative class. I think that will be very nice for my students.

Pete's message was good. After all the scandals with leaders here in the States, I am fairly certain that he is in quite a bit of accountability. These scandals are almost like some of these pastors go into ministry to BE predators. I watched another podcast about it last night, and it made me so sad. Some of these men are still at the churches, and the ones that are gone still have all their messages still on line. 

Shame on you, Morningstar Church! It is so sad to me. 

Something that I noticed. I gave up the news over four years ago. It was about a month before the the 2020 election, and I just gave it up cold turkey. It is hard to believe it has been four years, but it has been, and I am so happy I did. I went back to it a couple of nights ago, and it didn't trigger me like it did last election cycle. I can watch it just enough to know how to pray. I just want healing for our great divisions in our land. 

Graham and Nicole are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. That will be great. Their daughter is sick. We might want to postpone a bit for it. I think my flu is running its course. So, I feel pretty good about tomorrow. I am going to go and teach my Pilates class. 

It should be fun.

There is my 15 minute timer. BYE! 

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