Saturday, July 16, 2022

Freewrite Saturday Sixteen

#project365 In sickness and in health. I have not done a steep hill in the full sun in a long time, and 2/3rds of the way up I started feeling dizzy and nauseated. I sat down on the trail, and he shaded me from the heat by his body until my body cooled and my pulse went down. He is truly my “ride or die” on this journey of life. We made it to the top, and that’s how I feel about life with him. Joy in the Journey. Patience in the rough parts. A beautiful perspective on life with a clear view at the top. It has been a fantastic 32 years (almost) George Weaver!

I just felt like writing today. I am going to be intentional about not stopping to correct every error, but it will be hard. Freewriting really is a great discipline for me. So here are some random thoughts.

I had this dream yesterday, and I woke up really early. It was about people in our community planning something and not letting us know. They were all lined up, and I kept saying, "What did I do wrong?" (Assuming that I was to blame for them not including us in their fun.) I have had other dreams like that where I felt excluded/left out. 

I had some things that happened this week that made me feel that way, and I know that was in my subconscious when I had that dream. There were others to spend time with and better offers. So, we got put on hold. Had I initiated the invitation, it would have been different, but I was asked for my time to be occupied for 7 days. So, we adapted and made plans, went shopping, cleared the spare room of George's office, and cleared the schedule of other things as best we could, and then it didn't happen, and we were left in limbo. The bright side was a freed-up and wonderful week! I also got to talk to a friend I had not talked to in a long time. I think I have worked through it though, but I know that is why that dream was there with me.

I did have a very scary thing that happened this last week. It was not a super-hot day, but I usually take my walks in the morning so that I don't walk in the full sun. I had already taken a substantial walk that morning, but George was going on a hill walk during lunch, and we went up the steep grade to Chip Ross (we usually go up the meandering way and go down the steep part), and my body literally SHUT DOWN. I am in great cardio shape, but I think it was heat exhaustion. I have never had that happen to me before, and it was very scary. Very scary indeed. It made me think of the young girl we fell upon on Catalina Island. She went with a youth group on a long hike: flip-flops on, no water, no breakfast, and hot sun. She collapsed, and they had to have search and rescue carry her out in a stretcher. We came along, and I helped her (because her youth leaders were WORTHLESS helpers) stabilize. I think this is what happened to me. I had eaten breakfast earlier that morning, but it had been a few hours, and I also did not bring any water, and the direct sun really hammered me. I just sat down on the trail. You can see the picture above, and what I wrote about my wonderful George there too. I learned a lesson. I was very scared when it happened. I have NEVER had anything like that happen to me, and I was nauseated the rest of the day. It was pretty amazing. 

So, there we go. DONE! 

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