Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Freewrite Wednesday

It is always a challenge to get back to work after a spiritual direction time with someone. I am still sort of basking in the glow of being able to observe the work of God in someone's life. It is a beauty to behold, and I feel like I have just walked on holy ground. 

It was a longer session than normal because it is someone overseas. I usually allow two hours for these. My local ones are usually just one hour. It is interesting because the person said as we closed out our time in prayer, "This was a life-giving time." I got off and went about doing some other things, and I felt God whisper, "You are a life-giver." 

Well that was nice to hear. Thank you. Not getting a big head about that. I get that a lot from people. I don't think they are trying to flatter me. I often talk to people overseas, and that is how they close. Or I have people who are even in the states but in particularly dry situation community-wise, and they want me to know that it was life-giving. So, that was nice to hear. That is definitely a desire, but I am not striving to be that way. 

I have tried to go back to work. "Work" being writing my little manual for direction through the Spiritual Exercises, and I have just gotten caught up in the Presence once again. I said yesterday that I was led back to a repetition on this meditation I did back in January. Repetition is where you go back and savor the consolation you received from a previous meditation/contemplation. It is "plumbing the depths" and having a "deeper still" experience of God. All I have to say is that WE ARE FORGETFUL CREATURES, and it was so good to go back in repetition. 

I brought me back to the consolation that I experienced when I first meditated on the Two Standards back in January. I was up on the third floor of Jeni's home overlooking the vast Pacific Ocean and Jesus' standard (flag in battle) on the hill was waving "Come to Me." Just lovely.

So here I am after my spiritual direction session and am basking in that and then trying to write the Two Standard guide for Week 18 of the Exercises, and I have to pause and just take in all God's goodness. 

"His banner over me is love" (Song of Solomon 2:4). 

Now I have a memory of singing this song in college. Big burly football player at "The Gathering" in the Westminster Center on 23rd Street. 

I am finding this a hard one to write. Not because it is "hard." It just takes me away to consolation. So I suppose this is a good thing.

The nice thing about this writing project is that I do not have a deadline. I have no pressure from others to write it. I am just writing it, and I have no idea if this is just for me (the review is wonderful) or for others. I have a hunch that it is for others (Freedom from is Freedom for - gotta' share what I have learned through these Exercises.), but I don't know what form that will take. I am just happy to do it. 

Onward. I think it has been exactly 15 minutes for this freewrite.


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