Wednesday, November 14, 2018

49. The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith

25191847From Publisher: The Critical Journey, at its core, is a description of the spiritual journey: our response to our faith in God with the resulting changes that follow. In this book, authors Hagberg and Guelich address the following issues: the struggle to find meaning and wholeness, the crisis of values and identity at mid-life, the quest for self-actualization, the healing of early religious experiences, and questions about the spiritual journey. Their goal is to help us understand where we are on our individual faith journeys and also appreciate where others are in theirs. The Critical Journey does not reveal exactly how or when we need to move along in our personal pilgrimages, nor does it offer formulas for spiritual growth. Rather, it describes six phases of the spiritual journey and illustrates how people act and think while in these stages. This is an excellent guide for those who are wrestling with their faith and wondering how others have resolved their “dark nights of the soul.” Here is an answer for those who have wondered why everyone doesn’t respond in the same manner to the message of the Gospel. 

I found the stages somewhat obvious, except the part about "The Wall." That part was really wonderful. I also felt like there was quite a bit of redundancy as the stages are described again at a later time. I think a good updated edit is in order for this book. 

Also, I bought the Kindle, but it is a copy of the original book and not in Kindle format. So that made highlighting more difficult, and I am still not sure how the notes will export! I should have just bought the regular hard cover book. 

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