Sunday, November 12, 2017

God's Intense Desire

“God has an intense desire
to help us achieve the end
for which God lovingly created us.”

Online Retreat Week 3 Context for the quote above:

Let’s let the background of this whole week be two wonderful imaginative reflections:
  • To simply walk around, doing all that I do each day, more and more conscious of why I was created:
    To give praise to God.
    To revere God: to grow in awe and love for God.
    To be of service: in God’s service.
  • To  notice the rest of creation more consciously, and how all that I notice is intended by God to help me — it is all created for me.
Again, this is about gratitude. We want to appreciate, to become more sensitive to and more aware of something about God: God has an intense desire to help us achieve the end for which God lovingly created us. So, by our thinking and watching this week we are coming to know God better.

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