Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Prayer to Begin Each Day

This is the prayer that begins each day of the Retreat in Everyday Life based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Background in The Exercises:

It will be very profitable for the one who is to go through the Exercises to enter upon them with magnanimity and generosity toward our Creator and Lord, and to offer Him our entire will and liberty, that His Divine Majesty will dispose of us and all we possess according to His most holy will. - the Spiritual Exercises # 5  

In the Preparatory Prayer I will beg God our Lord for grace that all my intentions, actions and operations may be directed purely to the praise and service of the Divine Majesty. - the Spiritual Exercises # 46

A Prayer From the Online Retreat from Creighton University based on the above:

Lord, I so wish to prepare well for this time.
I so want to make all of me ready and attentive and available to you.
Please help me clarify and purify my intentions.
I have so many contradictory desires.
My activity seems to be so full of busyness and running after stuff that doesn't really seem to matter or last.
I know that if I give you my heart, whatever I do will follow my new heart.
May all that I am today, all that I try to do today,
may all my encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all place my life in your hands.
Lord, my life is in your hands.
Please let this day give you praise.

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