Saturday, August 03, 2013

Sawtooth Mountain Wilderness Backpacking

Haven't written anything since my big Idaho Adventure. We backpacked about 20 miles and went up about 3000 feet. That was hard since I am used to being at sea level and we went up to 9,500 while my backpacking buddies are acclimated at 2,700 feet. I think I did amazingly well for that. They are both pretty driven athletes, and I think I could keep up with them (although I am pretty cautious when I am on rocks because I am prone to falling - the bigger they are, the harder they fall), but I do like to stop and take photos and enjoy the beauty around me. It made me miss George because he is all about that; and even thought I have never backpacked with Elizabeth, I know that she would have been all about stopping and smelling the flowers along the way (because they are both ENFP's). 

Overall, it was quite fulfilling to make it with no injury to my back. Just a strange knee thing that bothered me after our climb up to the campsite. I was turning it in on the rocks, and the back tendon got strained. I just needed to be careful not to turn it in again. 

The hiking poles were my best friends, and I will never back pack without them again. They really help stabilize me on rocks and such. So, YAY for deciding to bring them after all. 

Here are some random pictures: 

Shuttle to Trailhead
Hike Up to Temple Divide

First and Last Idaho Spud Candy Bar

At the Top of the Temple Divide

Middle Cramer Lake with Waterfall
Can you tell which shoes are mine?

After Photo with Best Friend Trekking Poles!

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...