Thursday, July 11, 2013

43. Forty Days with the Messiah by David Winter

I thought I had this novel idea to write a devotional book through Handel's Messiah, but someone had already done it! My emphasis is a bit different, but this is a wonderful little book, and I even corresponded back and forth with the parish priest in Oxford, England who wrote it! He even had a parish in the Cotswolds; a place I dream of going to one day (think of a pastoral English countryside, and that is the Cotswolds). 

He has written many books, and he was delightful and so flattered that I would want to quote his book in a few points in my devotional!

Here is his response to my request to quote him in my blog. So cute: 

Hi Carol
What a lovely e-mail! I'm so glad you're doing your devotional blog on Handel's Messiah (or rather, I suppose, My Jenning's selection of words from the Bible which Hanndel [sic] set to his unforgettable music!). By all means quote as much as you like from my book - I'm just flattered.
You don't say where you live - probably not in the UK, I guess. USA? Oxford is indeed 'worth a visit' - I took some American relatives round it last year and they were awe-struck (well, they kept saying 'awesome'!). And the Cotswolds are lovely, of course. My first parish (as a vicar) was in the Cotswolds.
You've obviously checked me out well on the internet! My 45th - and probably last - book comes out in November. It's called At the End of the Day - Enjoying life in the departure lounge. Next it's take-off for the biggest adventure of all . . . In Christ

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