Sunday, June 24, 2012

Well Update

Well-Watered Soul

Love, love, love my miles for millions prayer walks. :) I finally finished Isaiah and am enjoying Jeremiah. Time with family during "Dinner and Discipleship" is sweet. Paul says, "I like doing together as a family if makes everything stick. I like our family." :) Before we did homework on our own and then came together and talked about it. Now, we do it together from start to finish, and it only takes us fifteen minutes longer, but the conversation has been so much deeper.

Well-Educated Mind

Hemingway, Martin Luther, C.S. Lewis, and Plato have been my most recent readings. I finally know where "The unexamined life is not worth living" quote comes from. It is Plato quoting Socrates in the Apologia, that is incorrectly translated as Apology in English when it is really his defense before they condemned him to die. Who knew?

I only have one more Hemingway, and I say, "Hallelujah" to that. I had a talk with Rosemary, and she loves Hemingway. George does too. Great people like him. 

Well-Adjusted Heart

I am good. Had a weird thing where a friend didn't like that I had never brought up one of her character flaws until other people brought it to her attention, and I confirmed it. I didn't know how to respond to that because I think I have over the years. I guess I had always thought that she was aware of it, but I guess not. So, she was shocked when others brought it up.  Still praying for wisdom to respond to that one. 

Well-Tuned Strength

I have gone back to Group Power for good and have done it twice a week for two weeks. I can already see a difference. Pilates was not continuing to strengthen my overall body anymore. It was great as recovery  from my injury, but I have had no back problems since starting Group Power. I have even gone where my back was a bit "kinky," and it worked itself out as I went through all the tracks (12 each session). I am thankful!

The walking/elliptical has been great too. I am adding biking as the weather has improved.

Eating has been good and bad. I am going back to tracking it on the BodyBugg site as I broke down and bought a new one that syncs with my iPod. This will make tracking so much easier. I also plan on take a break from Bible Book Club so that I can move more. :)

Well, I hear the chai tea from George coming. I love my life! (No proofreading. So, expect TYPOS)

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