Thursday, April 26, 2012

Focusing Freewrite

I have had a great morning so far, but I am definitely out of my normal routine of getting up, journaling, meditating in the Bible Book Club reading (I am 6 weeks ahead of the blog), writing, applying, praying. Then, I go on to my exercise (Pilates MWF, walking/running TTH) and whatever is up for the day (discipleship, counseling, more writing).

No routine to speak of today. I normally get up between 5:30 - 6:00, and I woke up at 5:45 am and rolled back over and slept until 7 am. That always involves me running into George before I get some good time in the Word and prayer. So, we chatted quite a bit this morning as he fixed his lunch and coffee. Not complaining. I do not have a husband who grunts and gives one word replies. Our morning talks can be awesome and hard to stop once we start, but he does have to work. :) So, parting is such sweet sorrow, but he left me.

Just as he left, I hear the door open and one man goes in the shower, and the other boy (at least for another seven months) comes out for breakfast. I am determined to not be writing or preoccupied when they are here because I don't see them as much now that they are both in college. So, we talk.  The other man comes out, and we talk.

Then, the Skype (the I had been turned off but came on with my computer reboot - PDF still not printing. Usually a reboot makes it spit out whatever is in its jowls, but to no avail, but I digress . . . ) came on with one of my listening prayer international Skype appointments. OH . . . It was 9:30 pm YOUR time, not MY time. OH NO! Not prepared. My morning is an hour behind due to rolling over in bed and sleeping that hour away.  The kids are eating breakfast, making lunch, and preparing to launch. The time is precious, and I have two hats: mom of almost adults and listening prayer counselor. I opted for postponement to my time. All was right with the world (literally, since we are on two continents).

The kids scampered downstairs for final school prep, and I saw I had about 1/2 hour, and the SUN WAS SHINING. There is an 80% chance of rain today. So, there was blue sky surrounded by blackness everywhere. The window of opportunity was short. So, I went for a walk. I listened to the "Bible" section of Stuff Christians Like (still debating about whether I really like this satire, but he said ONE thing that totally redeemed himself on this leg of the book), but I turned it off after that section to really "get down" in prayer as I walked. There was so much on my heart, and there is something about walking that just helps me to pour out and listen to Him!  AWESOME TIME!

Then, I went by the commotion of roofing and realized that it was the Stauber's house. They had found some leakage during my last stroll down their lane, but I didn't know it would involve a total re-roofing project! Wow. They are in Utah, but Mr. Callis was there to fill me in (never met him before, and he is nice). 

So, I got way-laid in my attempt to get home to say good-bye to he kids before they went to class, but they were turning the corner off of our street as I was crossing. So, I waved and prayed them away just as I began to feel slight raindrops on my cheek.

The sky has turned dark, and I am writing now so that I can FOCUS. While cooking my breakfast, I got a call from Vickie about doing pictures for the screen at the women's retreat (that I decided not to go to), and it would have to be done before tomorrow. So, I politely declined, but I had a nice chat about all things listening prayer (listening is what the retreat is all about this weekend).  I have two counseling appointments today, and I am not afraid to say I am already behind with my day and want to have a family dinner today since Thursday seems to be our only day now since Michael has class and bible study on Monday and Tuesday, and we have Kingdom Community on Wednesday. So, Geo and I must switch our date night to another night. Stay tuned. 

I made eggs, strawberries, and a bagel, and I sprinkled it all with Sensa. I am so curious about it and ordered a free sample to try it out. I don't think it is a hoax. I don't think it is bad for you either. It is just a trick of the taste buds to make you feel full. I always have this 5-10 pounds (more like 5 right now), and I NEVER feel full. So, I am curious to see if it works. I just had breakfast, and I definitely feel VERY FULL, and I never feel that way after a meal. I could always eat way more than I do, but it is that extra 125-250 calories a day that make me struggle with the off and on of 5-10 pounds. So, I want to learn to control that by portion control. We will see how it works. Call it a science experiment. 

The bell range a while ago, but I still had more to say. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. 

Off to the call of Isaiah and the prophecy of Immanuel!

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