Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Freewrite

I don't have enough time to start a new Bible Book Club/Gospel Harmony Book Club post before I walk to Pilates. So, I will just do a 10 minute freewrite here and then go.

I felt lousy again yesterday, but like Wednesday, I started feeling better at 11 am. That was enough time to write about Luke 15 and the lost sheep, coin, and son. I learned some new things too! I did all my back and shoulder exercises and go ready for my afternoon.

Then, I got ready to walk to campus to meet with someone I was supposed to meet with on Tuesday morning. Wisely, I scheduled it for 1 pm when I knew I would feel better. I started to go out the door when Michael came running back from the bus stop to get another notebook, and he tried to run back, but the bus went by. So, since I was going to that way anyway, I decided to drive to the library, bring back things due, and he walked to the Linn-Benton Loop Transit Center from there to catch the bus out to LB. I also knew that I could go shopping if I had the car.

I walked the .7 of a mile to campus and stopped by George's office to visit. Then, I walked a bit before going to my appointment near campus. It was 2 1/2 hours of listening and reflecting back. We took a walk to get her out and about, and she felt so much better. She is hurting, and she is inside her head quite a bit. I prayed for her, and I also shared the story of the lost son because she believes the person who wronged her will be punished, but I told her about the love, grace, and forgiveness of the Father for the prodigal son. So, it was very applicable.  I think she is better.

Then, I walked back to the library. I was going to sit and read, but they have SHOCKINGLY not returned the winged back chairs of the reading room. My place of solace in this city has been uncomfortably changed. (If that is my only stress from the day, I am doing really well).

After that, I went to Fred Meyer and did a full shopping trip. I was starting to drag, and George told me just to go home, but I pushed through. I stopped off for some you bake pizza and Paul helped me unload groceries. 

I settled my back on my new "roller" and did some exercises and sort of crashed. It was a lot to do in one day, and I am glad I didn't walk all the way to campus and back because I am not up for that yet. 

Then, we had some pizza, and I rested a bit until Kathleen came over from 7-10:15 p.m.  We had some great Theophostic time, and George visited with us for half of it. 

I crashed listening to Brave New World before I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

Eight seconds left. Pretty good! BYE!

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