Thursday, August 23, 2018

Freewrite Fifteen on a Thursday Afternoon

The beginning of the week was quite busy (Sunday on). I was just needing to catch up on some things here at home and more importantly to catch up with myself. 

I am rereading Les Miserables, and can I just say that I still think it is the most wonderful book ever written! It is so good. I even enjoy his pontifications on politics and certainly understand more of the context than I did the first time I read it over 20 years ago!

Tinker's memorial was Sunday. It was sad to think he was gone so soon at 62. I told the story of how we "met" when he came in with a ski mask on and scared us all when we were having a simulation of a communist Bible study. LOL! It made people laugh.

Health wise I am cardiovascularly more fit than I thought. I am in the "Superior-Athlete" range! My resting heart rate keeps going down as I add more challenging cardio to my fitness regime. (But I was in that range before I started doing this - go figure.) I was biking and running and swimming because those really are the only three things that keep my heart rate up for a sustained length of time BUT the running irritated the "high hamstring tendinitis" that I got from pulling it when I fell playing Ultimate Frisbee on the beach, but it did not get bad for another three weeks later. So, my glute and hamstring on that side had atrophied. So I am going to Physical therapy, and she is a graduate of George Fox and is really helping, and she even does astym (sp?) which gets the blood flowing in the hamstring. It worked for my tennis elbow and bicipital tendonitis too. SO, I am on the mend, but I miss biking the most, but it also got really smoky outside so I probably would not have biked this week anyway.

I am disappointed to discover that I had gained weight from "Seminary Sitting/Renovare Rest" and multiple injuries over the last year. Ack! Anyway, I realized this time it was about 182 calories per day of overeating. When you think about it, that is a just 2/3 cup of regular vanilla ice cream! And ice cream is my downfall! I had this picture of pints of Haagen Daz attached to my gut and on my love handles! That is about how much I am currently bulging in those areas these days! I ate a lot of that this year for some dumb reason! So, I am going to walk around the block two times on top of all my other activities. That is also about 182 calories, and then I can splurge on ice cream now and then! 

The good news is that I am on a ROLL, recording everything since August 1, and the "France Five" has already come off. The "Seminary Seven" with be next! The "Fatal Five" from the injuries will be after that! LOL! I am on a good track, and I will not be doing Renovare again this year as it drew me out of the balance I had in my life with very little new things learned. I am growing so much more now actually. Cost far outweighed the Benefit, but that wouldn't be true for most people. It is a good program for most. Just not for me and my uniqueness.

It always seems to be three steps forward and two steps back for me!

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