Sunday, January 04, 2015

Sunday Morning Freewrite

I am going to use different font on this blog depending on my mood. :)

It is 12:29 am, and I am sort of in a rebellious mood saying, "I am not going to go to bed!"  Basically, this will be the last day of my vacation, and I am fighting it! Michael will go back to SOU tomorrow, and George goes back to work on Tuesday.

WAHHHHH! I do not want our family time to be over yet!

I have been working most of the vacation, but the Bible Book Club/Gospel Harmony Book Club is fun work!

I have not done as much communicating by email though. I have tried to just be with the family and be all here! That has been very good.

I have also been working on pictures. The boys put all their pictures in their books through the end of 2013 and chose all their picture for 2014! I just need to upload all of their pictures for the year before Tuesday when Shutterfly's sale ends. 

Now to see if I can make the deadline for my pictures from our River Cruise! That is going to be hard. It will be nice to relive the memories though, but 60% of our pictures of 2014 are from that cruise. So, I have a feeling it is going to be about 300 pictures!  But, I have done that many in the past. It is only 1,000 pictures to wade through, and I waded through 10,000 from 2007. So, quit your whining Carol Ann!

I am not worrying about the biopsies. What will be, will be! 

I face the future with wide-eyed wonder and excitement about what is around the corner!

Now, back to my pictures! 

Happy New Year from the Weavers! (Click on it if you want to see it in a larger size)

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