Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today's Writing Place

I did a thirteen minute freewrite, but this wireless pooped out on me, and I lost everything that I just wrote.

No matter. I am flex!

Here is my writing location:

The View from Carol's Carrel
at Pacific University, Forest Grove

1 comment:

Lee Tyler said...

I LOVE your site, Carol! And oh how frustrating that is when you lose all of your writing. I don't think I could be as 'flex' as you are; God bless you!
I have bad eyes from an autoimmune disease so hopefully I can post this comment. I wish I had done what you have done. Specifically, just live through books (and through the strength of our faiths) without the hassle of a full website and keeping up with technology and the social media rat-race. I used to be on Blogger (which is so much easier) and now am on the paying and oh, the back pages and other things that you don't think about! You have made a very cozy home here and I'm going to sign up so I can visit you often. My best to you, Lee Tyler

Tuesday Freewrite Fifteen

I am just sitting here after my Centering Prayer for the House of Prayer in East London. I have not been with that group for SO LONG! I just...