Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Freewrite Fifteen

I have not done a "Well" Update in a very long time. So, I will do that for my F Cubed today. 

Well-Watered Soul 

Vacation did get me a little off kilter, but I was back on track very soon after I came home. Walking for the world has been hard to "restart" since vacation though, but I did have a nice walk and prayer time last week praying for many different people. I find that printing out the pages really helps.

Since I finished the Old Testament the second week of August, I am on a break from the BBC, but I am soaking in the first eight chapters of Acts. Hey, Acts in August sounds so very catchy!  Anyway, I have probably been processing Acts 1 more than anything. 

I feel really well-watered even though I am not spending as much time as I usually do. But I guess that life-long goal of 24/7/365 is feeling more real to me this way. I love our talks. Even as I type, I have a profound sense of His presence and communion. 

This fall will be that "slow" march through Acts with Christmas reading. I want to soak in the Messiah again. It made for the best Christmas EVER as the songs of Scripture were constantly playing through my head and focusing me on what is REALLY important!  I loved that. 

I also am waiting to hear what we are doing with our Kingdom Community. We have not heard a thing from any of them and wonder if they even want us to come back and advise after our summer break. I certainly hope so!

Well-Educated Mind

Here are the books I have left on the "100 Great Books" List:

  1. All Quiet on the Western Front – Remarque (Book Dames reading for Oct 4)
  2. All the King’s Men – Warren 
  3. Catch22 – Heller 
  4. A Farewell to Arms – Hemingway
  5. Faust: Part 2 – Goethe 
  6. House Made of Dawn – Momaday (reading) 
  7. The Joy Luck Club – Tan (Listeing on playaway)
  8. Light in August – Faulkner (Listening on my iPod)
  9. The Plague – Camus
  10. A Separate Peace – Knowles 
  11. Sons and Lovers – Lawrence (Starting on Kindle)
I have to finish The Joy Luck Club soon. That is why I started it before I was done with Light in August (my second time checking out and still only about half way). 

It is a good exercise, but I told myself that after I am done with the Invitation to the Classics List I am swearing off lists for a while and just reading what ever is my fancy. 

Light in August and Joy Luck Club are both depressing. That is why I took a little break and got The World of Downton Abbey with many pictures and fun information. :)

Well-Adjusted Heart

Very good. I am a happy woman in many ways these days. The balance is very good. 

Well-Tuned Strength

I have been walking, but I sit far too much. When we were on the East Coast, I hardly sat and hardly had any back pain. I need to walk more and putter around the house more to balance with my many "sitting" projects (photos, BBC, and genealogy). It would be so great if I had interest that involved walking more. :)  

All that said, I just had one little back episode because my hamstring curl weight was WAY too much. Dumb. Other than that, I had not had any back episode for five weeks! So, I am making great progress in that area. I want to get back to where I didn't have a back episode once for THREE YEARS! That would be so sweet!

(Ok, the freewrite timer ended, but I am going to go on with what I did Wednesday because I plowed through procrastination!) 

BHAG Update

Maybe this should be under well-adjusted heart because I love to move forward in Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG).  I made huge strides with my photos being my only real household goal for 2012. I put it off all month even though every day said, "Photos" on my calendar. I chose to do genealogy instead (with very fruitful results).  I was waiting for a sale, but I could have had all the pictures uploaded, but I guess I didn't know which service had the better sale: Shutterfly or Snapfish.  Well, the sales were even with Shutterfly having 40% off with free shipping over $30, but it took a lot of pictures to upload to get to the $30. So, I spent a TON of time on Wednesday with ordering, but the end result is that I got 2008 and 2009 ordered for Michael, Paul, and Family pics with Snapfish, and I got 2011 ordered for Michael and Paul and 2012 365 to picture number 238 with Shutterfly! 

So this is what I have left to do:

1) Find, process, pick, and order photos for 2010 Family, Michael, and Paul (not 365 that year because of my back so there are a lot LESS pictures to pick through!)
2) Process, pick, and order photos for 2011 Family 

3) Order photos through June for 2012 Michael and Paul

4) Process, pick, and order photos June - August 2012 for Michael and Paul (with Michael and Paul doing the picking for themselves for those months)

5) Journal for Family and kids for 2007-2012

6) Scrapbook Christmas December 23-30 for 2007, all of 2008-2011

7) MAYBE make photo books for Las Olas and our East Coast Trip (more expensive and time consuming though and really that much more valuable than just looking at the pictures in a photo album?). Each book will probably be at least $30 verses about $6 in prints for each of those events. 

7) Back up all of the culled down printed pictures for easy reprinting of the "best of" those years for future projects that may come about. :)

I do like my Memory Manager. It is not the greatest photo processing tool, but I find Photoshop organizing software really lame and confusing. So, what is a girl to do. Again, I don't want to spend my life sitting!!!

In my next post, I will do a comparison of the two services I have narrowed my printing needs down to. STAY TUNED! 

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