Friday, January 20, 2012

Ugh! Not Feeling Well

I have not felt well since last Sunday! Part of it might be that I have been restricted from going to Pilates for the last 10 days (but whose counting?). It also might be I have a little low-grade thing going on. It isn't anything major, but I wake up every morning feeling sort of yucky.

So, I am getting my fingers warmed up as I meditate and digest the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. I am heading into the Kingdom Parables in my chronological study, and I love it! I realize that when I wrote for the Bible Book Club in 2010 on these, I didn't discuss them so thoroughly, and I am this time. So, I'm praying that I can do them justice because they are so rich and meaningful and wonderful.

On another note, we are flooding, and I wish I felt well enough to go out and nurture my inner photog, but I don't even feel like doing that. I think we might make the news. The governor has declared our county to be in a state of emergency.  A mother and her baby have already died being swept away while stopping in a grocery story parking lot! How freaky is that?

The rain did stop long enough for me to do a little walk/run during Paul's piano lesson with Suz (love her!). I felt good being out, but that is when I started feeling worse afterward. So, I am thinking I wasn't ready for that kind of exercise yet. I loved being out in the elements though!

Patty is locked in her house because of heavy snow in Seattle. She is supposed to be student teaching. So, she was getting cabin fever and we talked for over an hour. Good to catch up with her. I like her.

I was supposed to go to a Graduate Women's Network reception with the university president last night, but I just didn't feel well. So, I got in bed at 5 pm and stayed there until I went to sleep.

I hope I am up for going to Vancouver on Saturday morning though. :(

There was something else I was going to write about, but I can't remember what that would be. Oh well, my fingers are warmed up now. I am off to do some more work.

1 comment:

Carol Ann Weaver said...

Figured out that the "Not feeling well" was because of taking ibuprofen because of the PT's directions for reducing inflammation in my shoulder. Quit ibuprofen and was better within 24 hours!

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