Friday, February 28, 2025

Swallows and Amazons (1000 Books to Read)

After reading a sad but good book (From Here to the Great Unknown) and a terrible book (Something Happened), reading a sweet, wholesome, imaginative Children's Classic that I had never heard of before was refreshing!

It reminded me of my brother and me pretending that the weird concrete island at the end of our street was a ship. It also made me think of the adorable 12, 10, 8, and 5-year-olds I did spiritual direction with from August to December! Most of them are the same age as the characters in the book. 

Sometimes a light and fun read is just what the doctor ordered!

Here is why James Mustich thinks it should be one of the 1000 Books You Read Before You Die:

Swallows and Amazons is the first in Arthur Ransome’s classic series of books about the children of the Walker family. In their initial appearance, the Walkers—John (the oldest, at twelve), Susan (ten), Titty (eight), and Roger (seven)—are summering with their mother in England’s Lake District, and the lakeland setting seems alive with the anticipation of a holiday. Adventure ensues when their friends' uncle's boat is burgled, but all comes right in the end, setting the stage for ten delightful sequels that similarly celebrate the resourcefulness of young people allowed to get their hands dirty as they master real skills—boating, camping, fishing, and the like—in a delightfully imagined but recognizable natural world.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Something Happened (1000 Books to Read)

I think this might be my LEAST favorite book at the end of the year. 

YUK! I did not like it. "My wife is unhappy. My daughter is unhappy. My son has difficulties. Now, my son does not talk to me." In the meantime, he is having adulterous affairs with the women in his office, paying for the abortion of one of them. It is the DUMBEST book.

Don't read it. 
Here is why James Mustich thinks it should be one of the 1000 Books You Read Before You Die:

The product of thirteen years’ gestation, Something Happened is an anatomy of middle-aged disenchantments that is both wildly funny and suffused with a desperate sorrow. Its narrator, Bob Slocum, is an office worker on the wearying escalator of a senseless though sometimes vicious corporate track; a husband whose marriage resides in a different dimension from his heart; a father terrified by the opacity, vulnerability, and willfulness of his children; an individual whose once eager innocence has been tarnished by the indefinable something that so surely happened to set him in his hopeless ways. Although Slocum’s narration embodies his banal life, Heller’s almost surreal focus on its very banality transforms it, by an astonishing act of literary sleight of hand, into something mesmerizing.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

From Here to the Great Unknown.

Heartwarming and so heart-breaking too. I loved this book. I remember where I was when I heard Elvis died in 1977. (Working at the Pacifica Hotel in Culver City, CA). My boss was undone and played Elvis songs all day. The nation was in mourning. This book gives the perspective of his little girl.

I read this after seeing a great podcast interview with Riley Keough. 

It was excellent:

Or listen on Apple Podcast:

1000 Books To Read by Mustich

,000 Books to Read (Books in RED are the ones I have read so far)


1. Desert Solitaire (Abbey)
2. Flatland (Abbott)
3. Things Fall Apart (Achebe)
4. My Dog Tulip (Ackerley)
5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)

6. The Education of Henry Adams (Corv Audio)
7. Watership Down (Richard Adams)
8. Half of a Yellow Sun (Adichie)
9. The Oresteia (Aeschylus)

10. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Agee & Evans) 432
11. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee)
12. Little Women (Alcott)

13. The Book of Three (Alexander)
14. …True Diary Part-Time Indian (Alexie)
15 Voices from Chernobyl (Alexievich)
16. The House of the Spirits (Allende)
17. Skellig (Almond)

18. A Coffin for Dimitrios (Ambler)
19. Lucky Jim (Amis)
20. Fairy Tales (Anderson)
21. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Angelou)
22. The Arabian Nights
23. The Clouds (Aristophanes)
24. Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
25. Old Herbaceous: A Novel of the Garden
26. Study Is Hard Work (William H. Armstrong)

     27. Foundation (Isaac Asimov)
     28. Foundation and Empire (Asimov)
     29. Second Foundation (Asimov)

30. Instead of a Letter (Diana Athill) 256
31. Cat's Eye (Margaret Atwood)
31. Aubrey's Brief Lives (Aubrey, Oliver Lawson-Dick) 341
32. Confessions (Augustine)
33. Meditations (Aurelius)

34. Mansfield Park (Jane Austen)
35. Emma (Jane Austen)
36. Northanger Abbey (Jane Austen)
37. Persuasion (Jane Austen)
38. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
39. Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen)
40. Tuck Everlasting (Babbitt)
41. The Babur Nama (Emperor Babur) 608 (HAVE ON kindle)

42. The Poetics of Space (Bachelard) 288
43. Ideological Origins of the American (Bailyn)
44. The Birthday Boys (Beryl Bainbridge) 181
The Mezzanine (Baker) 142
46. Growing Up (Russell Baker)
47. Collected Essays (James Baldwin) 869

48. Slaves in the Family (Edward Ball)
49. The Drowned World (Ballard)
50. Lost Illusions (Honoré De Balzac) 704

51. Père Goriot (Balzac) 384 HAVE ON LIBBY
52. The Wild Ass's Skin or Magic Skin (Balzac) 288 OWN
53. The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks 272 8hr 28min
54. The Journal of a Disappointed Man (Barbellion) 436 OWN
55. Laughing in the Hills (Bill Barich) 228 7hr 27m
The Regeneration Trilogy (Pat Barker):

      56. Regeneration 260

      57. The Eye in the Door 286

      58. The Ghost Road 256
59. Flaubert's Parrot (Julian Barnes) 192 7hr
60. Peter and Wendy (J. M. Barrie) 204 5hr 21min
61. The Sot-Weed Factor (Barth) 806

62. Narrow Road to the Deep North (Basho) 176 15 hrs LIBBY

63. Samuel Johnson (Bate) (see A Johnson Reader too) 672
64. The Flowers of Evil (Charles Baudelaire) 44 p 26 min HAV
65. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum)

66. The Feast of Love (Charles Baxter) 308 10hrs
67. Vacuum Diagrams (Stephen Baxter) 512

68. The Coming of Age (Simone De Beauvoir) 592
69. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (Beauvoir) 384
70. The Second Sex (Beauvoir) 832 39hr

71. Fun Home (Alison Bechdel) 232
72. Love, Loss, and What I Wore (Ilene Beckerman)
73. Company (Samuel Beckett) (Volume 4)

74. Molloy (Beckett) (Volume 2) 356 8hr

75. Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
76. The Hills Is Lonely (Lillian Beckwith) 232 NOT LIBR
77. The Adventures of Augie March (Bellow) 608

78. Madeline
79. No Picnic on Mount Kenya (Felice Benuzzi) 320
80. Beowulf

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Berendt)
82. A Fortunate Man: Country Doctor (John Berger) 168 OSU
83. The Memoirs of Hector Berlioz 744 23hr
84. The Diary of a Country Priest (Bernanos)
85. All the President's Men (Bernstein & Woodward)
86. The Stars My Destination (Alfred Bester)

Bhagavad Gita
89. The Bible

90. The Book of Job (translated by Stephen Mitchell)
91.  American Prometheus (Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin)
92. The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 (Elizabeth Bishop) 287
93. Friday Night Lights (Bissinger)
94. The Emperor's Last Island: St. Helena (Blackburn) 277
95. Songs of Innocence and Experience (Blake)
96. The Wilder Shores of Love (Lesley Blanch) 368
97. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
98. Akenfield: Portrait of English Village (Ronald Blythe) 384
99. The Decameron
100. 2666 (Bolano)

101. The Book of Common Prayer (Anonymous)
102. Ficciones (Jorge Luis Borges) 174

103. The Life of Samuel Johnson (Boswell)
104. The Death of the Heart (Elizabeth Bowen) 418 13hr
105. The Sheltering Sky (Bowles) 313
106. The Ascent of Rum Doodle (W.E. Bowman) 192 4hrs
107. The Chaneysville Incident (David Bradley) 448 19hrs
108. A Bullet in the Ballet (Caryl Brahms) 159

        America in the King Years:
        109. Parting the Waters 54-63 (Taylor Branch)
110. Pillar of Fire 63-65 (Taylor Branch)
112. At Canaan's Edge 65-68 (Taylor Branch)
114. How Buildings Learn (Stewart Brand) 243
115. Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (Braudel) 642
116. Navigator of the Flood (Mario Brelich) 114 NO LIBR

117. Physiology of Taste (Brillat-Savarin) 220
118  Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)
119. Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)
120. The Da Vinci Code (Brown)
121. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown)
122. Goodnight Moon (Brown)
123. The Little Fur Family (Margaret Wise Brown)

124. Major Works (Sir Thomas Browne) 560
125. The Story of Babar (Jean De Brunhoff)
126. A Walk in the Woods (Bryson)

127. The Thirty-Nine Steps (John Buchan)
128. The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)
129. Bulfinch's Mythology (Thomas Bulfinch)
130. The Master and Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov) 384 17hr
131. Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Jacob Burckhardt)
132. A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess) 240 8hr
133. Reflections on the Revolution (Edmund Burke) 352 11hr
134. A Little Princess (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
130. The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
131. The Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton) 592 56hr LIBBY
132. Independent Spirit: Essays (Hubert Butler) 588 no lib

The Way of All Flesh (Butler)

The Tartar Steppe (Buzzati) 198
133. Possession (Byatt)
134. The Marriage of Cadmus & Harmony (Calasso) 416
135. Invisible Cities (Calvino)
136. Memorial (Ferdinando Camon) 122

The Masks of God:
137. Primitive Mythology (Campbell) 528 19hr
138. Oriental Mythology: (Campbell) 772 22
139. Occidental Mythology (Campbell) 583 21hrs
140. Creative Mythology (Campbell) 1044 29hrs
141. The Plague (Camus)
142. The First Man (Camus) 336 8hr
143. Slightly Out of Focus (Robert Capa) 296 5hr
144. In Cold Blood (Capote)
145. Ender's Game 11hr
146. Eyewitness to History (John Carey) 752 not at the library
147. True History of the Kelly Gang (Peter Carey) 349 LIB
148. The Piano Shop on the Left Bank (Thad Carhart) 9hr LIB
149. Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me (Eric Carle)
150. The Power Broker (Robert Caro)

151. The Path to Power (Robert Caro)
152. Means of Ascent (Robert Caro)
153. Master of the Senate (Robert A. Caro)

154. The Passage of Power (Robert A. Caro)

155. A Month in the Country (Carr) 135 LIB
156. Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
157. Through the Looking Glass
158. Silent Spring (Carson) 400 
159. The Horse's Mouth (Cary) 464
160. History of My Life (Giacomo Casanova) 576
161. Spartina (John Casey) 375
162. The Book of the Courtier (Castiglione) 368 12hr

O Pioneers! (Cather)
164. The Poems of Catullus (Catullus) 178 book at the library
165. MELBOURNE (Lord David Cecil) 450p
166. Journey to the End of the Night (Celine) CloudLib 19:36
167. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini 15:31 Libby
168. Don Quixote
169. Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (Chabon) 639p
170. Clementine in the Kitchen (Chamberlain) 288 cookbook
171. Products of the Perfected Civilization (Chamfort) 284
172. The Big Sleep (Chandler) 6hr
Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant? (Chast)
174. The Songlines (Chatwin) 306 9:30hr
175. The Canterbury Tales
176. Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave 134p (art pictures) LIBR
177. The Stories of John Cheever 1000p
178. Stories (Chekhov)

179. Plays (Anton Chekhov)

The Cherry Orchard

The Seagull

Three Sisters

Uncle Vanya
180. Alexander Hamilton (Ron Chernow)
181. The Worst Journey in the World 20hr LIBBY
182. The Man Who Was Thursday (GK Chesterton)
183. The Riddle of the Sands (Erskine Childers) 10hr LIBBY
184. The Awakening (Chopin)
185. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Agatha Christie)

 231. Their Finest Hour (Winston S. Churchill) 720 LIBBY

186. The Hunt for Red October (Tom Clancy) 720 15hr
187. Rome and a Villa 416p
188. Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke) 258 7:53 KIND LIB
189. Between the World and Me (Coates)
190. A Classical Education (Richard Cobb) 160 no libr
191. Life and Times of Michael K (J.M. Coetzee) 184 no libr
192. Earthly Paradise (Colette) 505
193. Sailing Alone Around the Room (Collins) 171
194. Carrying the Fire (Michael Collins) 20hrs LIBBY
195. The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
196. The Moonstone 19hr LIBBY
197. The Worm Forgives the Plough (Collis) 288 no library
198. Memoirs of a Medieval Woman: The Life and Times of Margery Kempe (Louise Collis)
199. The Fringes of Power (John Colville) 802 nolibrary
200. The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
201. Son of the Morning Star (Evan S. Connell) 441 LIBRARY
202. Enemies of Promise (Cyril Connolly) 288 no library

203. A Personal Record (Joseph Conrad) 131 LIBBY
204. Heart of Darkness
205. The Road From Coorain (Jill Ker Conway)
206. Memories of the Great and the Good (Cooke) 288 NO LIB
207. Talleyrand (Duff Cooper) 288 no library
208. The Last of the Mohicans 390 Jan 2022
209. Torregreca: Life, Death, and Miracles in a Southern Italian Village (Ann Cornelisen) 320p No Libr
210. Cronopios and Famas (Argentina) 162 No library
211. Conversations With Glenn Gould (Cott) 159 no library
212. Stravinsky (Robert Craft) 608 no library
213. The Red Badge of Courage
214. The Andromeda Strain (Crichton) 384 8hr KINDLE LIBBY
215. The Moving Toyshop 234
216. Little Big 25hr LIBBY
217. Complete Poems, E. E. Cummings 1102 LIBRARY

8. Rebellion in the Backlands (Euclides De Cunha) 562

954. The Hours (Cunningham) 6hrs (CD) 230 Libby Kindle
219. Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody: Great Figures of History Hilariously Humbled (Cuppy) 242 LIBR LOST
220. Memoirs of Lorenzo Da Ponte 472
221. Matilda
222. In Xanadu (William Dalrymple) 322, 3hr no library
223 + 2. The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
224. The Dew Breaker (Danticat) 256, Kindle LIBBY
225. The Voyage of the Beagle 386 KINDLE LIBBY 16:35
226. Geography of the Imagination (Davenport) 384 NO LIB
227. The Deptford Trilogy: Books at Library

Fifth Business 252 (No audio at lib 10hr)

The Manticore 262 (10hr)

World of Wonders 324 (12:30)
228. Selfish Gene (Dawkins) 352 Kindle (no audio lib but16:12)

37. The Long Loneliness (Day) 288, Kindle12hr BOOK AT LIB
229. How Proust Can Change Your Life
230. Complete War Memoirs Charles De Gaulle1048 NO LIB
232. Auberge of the Flowering Hearth (De Groot)464 No LIB
233. Microbe Hunters 357 KINDLE ON LIBBY
234. Giants and Heroes  (De Laet) 261, 8:38 No library
235. Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)
236. Diary of a Provincial Lady (Delafield)
237. Nova (Samuel R. Delany) 257, 8:41 No library
238. Great Books (Denby)

245. Clear Light of Day (Desai) 183 book at the library

246. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Diaz) 339 10-16 hrs on LIBBY
249. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick) 229, 9hr

247. The Man in the High Castle (Philip K. Dick)
248. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Dick) 240, 7:43

250. David Copperfield (Dickens)
251. Oliver Twist (Dickens)

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens)
253. A Christmas Carol (Dickens)

254. Dombey and Son (Dickens)
Bleak House (Dickens)
256. A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)
257. Great Expectations (Dickens)
258. Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson 770, Kindle LIB
259. The Year of Magical Thinking (Didion)
260. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
261. Winter's Tales (Dinesen) .99Kind, 313, book at library

243. Bound to Please (Dirda) 560 not at the library

262. Ragtime (E.L. Doctorow) 197, 8hr LIBBY has Kindle

263. This House of Sky (Ivan Doig) 12hr LIBBY

264. The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Donne) 594 Library has the book

U.S.A (Passos) 1288

265. The 42nd Parallel 323, 13hr
266. 1919 464 16hr
267. The Big Money 528, 19hr

268. Crime and Punishment
269. Notes From the Underground
270. The Brothers Karamazov

271. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
272. Sister Carrie 17hr LIBBY
274. Rebecca (Du Marnier)

239. Bequest of Wings (Annis Duff) 212 no library copy
275. The World as I Found It (Bruce Duffy) 546, no library copy
276. The Three Musketeers (Alexandre Dumas)
277. The Count of Monte Cristo (Dumas)
279. Adventures of Ibn Battuta (Ross E. Dunn (Ed)) 396 no libr
280. The Game of Kings (Dunnett) 543 Kindle Libby
My Family and Other Animals (Durrell) 2hr Libby 273 10hr unabridged
The Alexandria Quartet (Lawrence Durrell): Kindle LIBB

282. Justine 10HR 270
283. Balthazar 8HR 260
284. Mountolive 11:33 324
285. Clea 10 290

286. Darwin Among the Machine (George Dyson) 306 NO LIB
287. The Name of the Rose (Eco) 502, 21HR LIBBY

874. The Worm Ouroboros (Eddison) 186 CHEAP KINDLE
288. Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (Gerald M. Edelman) 304 no LIBR
289. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page (Edwards) 427 21HR
290. A Visit From the Goon Squad 10HR LIBBY
291. Travels With Lizbeth (Lars Eighner) 256 LIBB KINDLE 10HR
292. The Immense Journey (Loren Eiseley) 224 NO LIBR
293. Middlemarch
294. Four Quartets
295. Founding Brothers

297. Invisible Man (Ellison)
298. Emerson: Essays and Lectures (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
. Crazy Salad (Ephron) 217 7:30 LIBBY Jan 2022
300. The Epic of Gilgamesh
301. Praise of Folly (Erasmus) 82p. LIBBY
302. The Book of the City of Ladies 337 11:18
303. The Virgin Suicides (Jeffrey Eugenides) 8 hr Libby
Alcestis (Euripides) free on 1:20 Librivox
305. Medea (Euripides)

The Trojan Women (Euripides) 1:42 Librivox
307. The Bacchae (Euripides)
308. A Fan's Notes 385p
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
310. The Chemical History of a Candle 80p have. Libriv. 4:30

311. The Sound and the Fury
312. As I Lay Dying (William Faulkner)
313. Light in August
314. Absalom, Absalom!

315. A Time of Gifts (Fermor) 321 13 hours. No Libby or library
316. The Neapolitan Novels (Elena Ferrante):

My Brilliant Friend 13 hr on Libby

The Story of a New Name 19hr LIBBY

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay 17h LIBBY The Story of a Lost Child 18hr LIBBY

317. Coming of Age in the Milky Way (Timothy Ferris) 516
318. QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Feynman) 158
319. The History of Tom Jones (Fielding) 36hr LIBBY
320. Time and Again (Finney) 17hr KINDLE LIB (audio abridged)
321. The Art of Eating (Fisher) 749 library book
322. The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
323. Tender Is the Night (F. Scott Fitzgerald) Libby 320
324. Offshore (Penelope Fitzgerald) 181 library book
325. Harriet the Spy (Louise Fitzhugh)
326. Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
327. Sentimental Education (Flaubert) 15:21 CD Libr Libby Kindle
328. From Russia With Love (Ian Fleming) 259 library book
329. Brazilian Adventure (Peter Fleming) 376 11hr no library
331. The Civil War: Volume 1 (Shelby Foote) 37

966. Volume 2 – 47 hours

967. Volume 3 – 48 hours
332. Johnny Tremain
333. The Good Soldier (Ford) 7hr Libby (249) Free Kindl
334. Independence Day (Richard Ford) 451 Kindle LIBBY
335. Flour Water Salt Yeast (Ken Forkish) 265 Kindle LIBBY
336. A Passage to India (E.M. Forster)
337. The Day of the Jackal (Forsyth) 13hr Libby
338. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Fowler) 742 library
339. The French Lieutenant's Woman (John Fowles) 394 Libby
340. The Diary of A Young Girl (Anne Frank)
341. My Brilliant Career (Franklin) 232 Libby
342. Flashman (George MacDonald Fraser) 256 Libby
343. My Father's Fortune (Michael Frayn) 288 no library
344. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
345. The Feminine Mystique
346. The Poetry of Robert Frost (Edward Connery Lathom)
347. Critical Path (Fuller) 512; 15:47 book in library
348. The Recognitions (Gaddis) 985  48hr LIBBY
349. A Lesson Before Dying (Ernest J. Gaines) 272 Libby
350. The Great Crash (J.K. Galbraith)
352. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Garcia Marquez)
353. The Spare Room (Helen Garner) 175 book in libr 4:15
354. Cranford
355. The Glass Palace (Amitav Ghosh) 486 LIBBY
356. History of the Decline Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
357. Cold Comfort Farm (Stella Gibbons)
358. A Mass for the Dead (William Gibson) 431 not library
359. Pattern Recognition (William Gibson) 368 Kindle Libby 10h
360. Howl and Other Poems (Allen Ginsberg)
361. The Little Virtues (Natalia Ginzburg) 120 is not in the libr
362. Passing the Time in Ballymenone (Glassie)872 not l
The Sorrows of Young Werther (Goethe) 121, 5hr Librivox
364. Faust (Goethe)
365. Italian Journey (J.W. Goethe) 512 not in library
366. Dead Souls (Gogol) 13h cloud library
367. Lord of the Flies (William Golding)
368. Darwin's Dreampond (Tijs Goldschmidt) 280 no in library
369. Oblomov (Goncharov) 6hr Libby
370. Pages From Goncourt Journals (Edited by Baldick)
371. There Is a World Elsewhere (F. Gonzalez-Crussi)
372. The Panda's Thumb 352 NO LIBR
373. Personal History (Katharine Graham) Libby Kindle 913
374. The Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame)
375. Personal Memoirs (Ulysses S. Grant) Libby Kindle 972
376. The Tin Drum (Grass) LIBBY 25HR
377. Good-Bye to All That (Graves) 347 BOOK AT LIB
Autobiography of a Face (Grealy) 6HR LIBBY
379. The Dead of the House (Hannah Green) 252 NO LIBR
380. The Power and the Glory (Greene) 9HR LIBBY
381. The Third Man (Greene)
382. The End of the Affair (Greene)
383. Grimms' Fairy Tales (Brothers Grimm/Geo. Cruickshank(Illus))
384. Life and Fate (Vassily Grossman) 906 NO LIBR

385. Time and the Art of Living (Robert Grudin) 208 NO LIBR
386. The Little World of Don Camillo (Guareschi) 331 7:31 NO LIBR
387. Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician (Michihiko Hachiya) 266 9hr not library
388. I Was a Stranger (Sir John Hackett) 219
389. The All of It (Jeannette Haien) 145 in library
390. The Best and the Brightest 688 LIBBY 37 hr
391. String Too Short to Be Saved (Donald Hall) 155 library
392. A Drinking Life: A Memoir (Peter Hamill) Kindle 265
393. The Maltese Falcon
394. A Romantic Education (Patricia Hampl) 362 not library
395. Hunger (Hamsun) 134 kindle Libby
396. A Sorrow Beyond Dreams (Peter Handke) 96 no libr
397. 84, Charing Cross Road
398. Sleepless Nights (Hardwick) 144 LIBBY KINDLE
399. Jude the Obscure (Hardy)
400. The Silence of the Lambs (Thomas Harris) 338 Libby. 3hr abridged
401. Forests, the Shadow of Civilization (Harrison) 304 no libr
402. Act One (Moss Hart) 452 library
403. The Essential Haiku (Robert Hass) 329 libre
405. Tales and Sketches (Hawthorne) 1493 libr
406. The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
407. Adam's Task, Calling Animals by Name (Vicki Hearne) 298 11hr (no library)
408. Blue Highways
409. Stranger in a Strange Land 16hr 498 LIBBY
410. Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)
411. Something Happened (Heller) 578 LIBBY
In Our Time (Heming) 160 ,99 audio LIB KIND 3:33 hr
413. A Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway)
414. The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway)
415. Dune (Herbert) 21hr

416. The Histories (Herodotus)
417. Dispatches 274, 8:27 LIBBY
418. Zen in the Art of Archery 71, 1:20 LIBRARY BOOK
419. All Creatures Great and Small
420. My Past and Thoughts (Herzen) Cannot find many volumes that are too expensive on Amazon
421. The Glass Bead Game 558, 21hr CLOUD LIBRARY
422. An Infamous Army 505 Kindle Libby
423. Kon Tiki, Thor Heyerdahl 256 Kindle Libby
424. The Destruction of Lord Raglan (Christopher Hibbert) 388 no library
425. The Talented Mr. Ripley 276 LIBBY9:35
426. Goodbye, Mr. Chips (James Hilton)126 2hr Libby
427. A Rage in Harlem 151 5:26, KINDLE
428. The Mouse and His Child (Russell Hoban)
429. Alan Turing: The Enigma (Andrew Hodges) Cd or Kindle o Libby. 762

430. Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House 240 no library
431. Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid 777 library book
432. The Private Memoirs Confessions Justified Sinner (Hogg) 126 .99 on Kindle
433. One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji (Katsushika Hokusai) 160 (not in the library but there is another book that expands on it)
434. Footsteps (Richard Holmes) 304 (not in the library)
435. The Iliad (Homer)
436. The Odyssey (Homer)
437. The Major Works Gerard Manley Hopkins (Oxford World) 260 (Kindle has 1:20 reading of his poems) 5hrs. on Librivox
438. The Odes of Horace (Horace)
439. Great River: The Rio Grande (Horgan)

244. Ten Years in the Tub (Nick Hornby) 485
440. Rogue Male
441. We Die Alone (David Howarth)
442. World of Our Fathers (Irving Howe)
443. A High Wind in Jamaica (Hughes)
444. The Fatal Shore: Australia’s Founding (Robert Hughes)
445. Les Miserables (Victor Hugo)
446. The Autumn of the Middle Ages (Huzinga)
447. Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
448. Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
449. In the Vineyard of the Text (Ivan Illich) PDF
450. The World According to Garp (Irving)
451. The Berlin Stories (Christopher Isherwood)
452. The Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro)
698. The Haunting of Hill House (Shirley Jackson)
453. Life Among the Savages (Shirley Jackson)
454. The Death and Life of Great American Cities (Jacobs)
455. Beyond a Boundary (C.L.R. JAMES)
456. Cultural Amnesia (Clive James)
457. The Aspern Papers (Henry James) LIBBY 3:45 (rpDIGITAL)
458. The Portrait of a Lady (Henry James)
459. Collected Ghost Stories (M.R James)
460. A Taste for Death (P.D. James) 22HR LIBBY
461. The Selected Letters of William James
462. The Varieties of Religious Experience (William James)
463. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Julian Jaynes)
464. Heat and Dust (Jhabvala)
465. Harold and the Purple Crayon
466. A Johnson Reader (Johnson) (Rasselas, Idler, etc)
467. A False Spring (PAT JORDAN)
468. Dubliners
469. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
470. Ulysses

471. Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Jung)
472. The Phantom Tollbooth
473. The Trial (Franz Kafka)
474. The Complete Stories (Kafka)
475. The Boys of Summer
476. When French Women Cook (Madeleine Kamman)
477. Andersonville
478. The Liar's Club
479. The Perfect Stranger (P. J. Kavanagh)
480. Palm-Of-The-Hand Stories (Yasunari Kawabata)
481. The Greek Passion

558. Letters of John Keats
482. The Face of Battle (John Keegan)
483. The Secret of the Old Clock
487. A Dresser of Sycamore Trees (Garret Keizer)
488. The Story of My Life (Keller)
489. Part of Our Time (Murray Kempton)
490. A Boy at the Hogarth Press (Richard Kennedy)
491. Talking Like the Rain (X.J. Kennedy)
492. Pound Era (Hugh Kenner)
On the Road (Kerouac)
494. The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard (edited by Auden)
495. Kilvert's Diary (Francis Kilvert)
496. Why We Can't Wait (Martin Luther King Jr.)
497. Carrie (King)
498. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)
499. The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver)
500. Just So Stories (Kipling)
501. Death of My Aunt (CHB Kitchin)
502. The Oldest Dead White European Males (Bernard Knox)
503. Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Koningsburg)
504. Into Thin Air (Jon Krakauer)
505. A Hole Is to Dig (Ruth Krauss)
506. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn)
507. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
508. Angels in America (Tony Kushner)
509. Dangerous Liaisons
510. The Princess of Cleves
511. The Dwarf (Par Lagerkvist)
512. Interpreter of Maladies (Jhumpa Lahiri)
513. Notes on a Cowardly Lion (John Lahr)
514. The Leopard
515. Endurance (Lansing)
516. Sons and Lovers (D.H. Lawrence)
517. Gardening for Love (Elizabeth Lawrence)
518. Independent People
519. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
520. A Wizard of Earthsea (Ursula K. Le Guin)
521. To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

522. Cider With Rosie (Laurie Lee)
523. Another Self (James Lees-Milne)

876. 'Two Sought Adventure' (Fritz Leiber)
524. The Cyberiad
525. A Wrinkle in Time
526. Friends in High Places (Donna Leon)
527. La Brava
528. Zibaldone (Giacomo Leopardi)
529. The Grass Is Singing (Lessing)
530. The Golden Notebook (Lessing)

Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta
531. The Gentleman in Trollope (Shirley Robin Letwin)
532. Christ Stopped at Eboli (Carlo Levi)
533. If This Is a Man (Primo Levi)
534. Tristes Tropiques (Levi-Strauss)
535. Rosemary's Baby (Ira Levin)
536. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (C.S.Lewis)
537. A Grief Observed
538. Lewis and Clark Journals (Bernard DeVoto)
539. Liar's Poker
540. Voices of the Old Sea (Norman Lewis)
541. Main Street (Sinclair Lewis)
542. Between Meals (A.J. Liebling)
543. Einstein's Dreams (Lightman)

943. Speeches & Letters of Abraham Lincoln
544. Venice for Pleasure (J.G. Links)
545. Complete Stories (Clarice Lispector)
546. The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (Hugh Lofting)
547. The Call of the Wild (Jack London)
548. The Art of the Personal Essay
549. Arctic Dreams
550. Man Meets Dog (Konrad Lorenz)

697. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (Lovecraft)

486. Betsy-Tacy (Lovelace)
551. Under the Volcano
552. The Way Things Are (Lucretius)
553. The Bourne Identity (Novel)

554. Five Days in London, May 1940
555. Adventures on the Wine Route (Kermit Lynch)
556. The Undertaking (Thomas Lynch)
557. The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters
559. Holmes Laski Letters The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J Laski (Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.)
562. Leo Africanus (Amin Maalouf)
563. The Towers of Trebizond
564. Anybody Can Do Anything (Betty MacDonald) 224 8hr
565. Epitaph of a Small Winner (Machado De Assis)

566. The Story of My Teeth (Valeria Luiselli)
567. The Prince (Machiavelli)
568. Whisky Galore 272 3hr 27 minutes
569. Eastern Approaches (Fitzroy Maclean) 576
570. Confessions of a Philosopher (Bryan Magee)
571. The Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer 317 12hr
572. The Executioner's Song ( Mailer) 1136 42hr
573. Kaputt (Curzio Malaparte)
574. In the Freud Archives (Janet Malcolm)
575. A Book of One's Own (Thomas Mallon)
576. The Voices of Silence
577. Goodbye, Darkness: Memoir Pacific War (Manchester)
578. Hope Against Hope (Nadezhda Mandelstam)
579. Ongoingness (Manguso)
580. The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann)
581. A Place of Greater Safety (Hilary Mantel)
582. Mystery Train
583. The Infatuations (Javier Marías)
584. West With the Night (Beryl Markham)
585. The Lives and Times of Archy and Mehitabel (Marquis)
586. The Roots of Civilization (Alexander Marshack)
587. Life of Pi
879. A Game of Thrones (Martin)

588. The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (Karl Marx)
589. Nicholas and Alexandra (Robert K. Massie)
590. Tales of the City
591. A Genius in the Family (Hiram Percy Maxim)
592. Ring of Bright Water (Gavin Maxwell)
593. A Year in Provence
594. The Road (Cormac McCarthy)
595. Make Way for Ducklings
596. Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt)
597. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter 12hr Libby
598. Truman
599. Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
600. Plagues and Peoples (William H. McNeill)
601. Oranges (John Mcphee)
602. The Rainbabies (Melmed, Illustrated by Jim Lamarche)
603. Moby Dick
604. The Piazza Tales
605. The Metaphysical Club (Louis Menand)
606. Mencken's Chrestomathy
607. On the Shoulders of Giants (Robert K. Merton)
608. The Seven Story Mountain (Thomas Merton)
609. The First Day on the Somme (Martin Middlebrook)
610. Autobiography of John Stuart Mill (John Stuart Mill)
611. Death of a Salesman
612. Black Spring
613. A Canticle for Leibowitz (Walter M. Miller, Jr.)
614. The World of Winnie-The-Pooh (A.A. Milne)
615. Paradise Lost
616. Little Bear
617. A Fine Balance
618. Up in the Old Hotel (Mitchell)
619. Gone with the Wind
620. Hons and Rebels (Jessica Mitford)
621. The Pursuit of Love (Nancy Mitford)
622. House Made of Dawn
623. Essays (Montaigne)

624. Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery)

878. Stormbringer (Moorcock)
29. Judgment Night (CL Moore)
625. History: A Novel (Elsa Morante)
626. The Bookshop Novels: Parnassus on Wheels and the Haunted Bookshop (Christopher Morley)
627. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (Edmund Morris)
628. Pax Britannica: The Climax of an Empire
629. Beloved (Toni Morrison)
630. Ill Met by Moonlight
631. My First Summer in the Sierra (John Muir)
632. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by
Siddhartha Mukhe
633. The Hunger Angel (Herta Müller)
634. Selected Stories (Alice Munro)
635. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
636. The Tale of Genji
637. The Sea the Sea (Iris Murdoch)
638. The Man Without Qualities
639. Lolita
640. Speak, Memory (Vladimir Nabokov)
641. Reading Lolita in Tehran (Nafisi)

643. A House for Mr. Biswas
644. A Beautiful Mind
645. The Women of Brewster Place (Gloria Naylor)
646. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush
647. The Reckoning (Charles Nicholl)
648. Merry Hall (Beverley Nichols)
649. Portrait of a Marriage (Nigel Nicolson)
650. The Birth of Tragedy (Friedrich Nietzsche)

651. The 9/11 Report: The National Commission

30. Ringworld (Larry Niven)
652. Mutiny on the Bounty (Nordhoff and Hall)
653. Dakota: A Spiritual Geography (Kathleen Norris)
654. Dreams From My Father (Barack Obama)
655. Master and Commander (Patrick O'Brian)
656. The Little Red Chairs (Edna O'Brien)
At Swim-Two-Birds

Mrs. Adams in Winter (Michael O’Brien)
658. The Things They Carried (Tim O'Brien - Vietnam)
659. The Complete Stories (Flannery O'Connor)

561. The Habit of Being (Flannery O'Connor) 642
660. The Complete Stories (Frank O'Connor) 576
661. Are You Somebody? The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman (Nuala O'faolain) 240
662. Into the Heart of Borneo
663. The Book of Tea (Kakuzo Okakura)
664. The Famished Road
665. Tell Me a Riddle
666. Long Day's Journey Into Night

692. The Origins of European Thought: About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate (R.B. Onians)
667. War in Val D'orcia: Italian War Diary, 1943-1944 (Origo)
668. 1984 (George Orwell)
669. The Collected Essays, Journalism & Letters of Orwell:

An Age Like This

My Country Right or Left

As I Please

In Front of Your Nose
670. Metamorphoses (Ovid)
671. The Village of Waiting (George Packer)
672. The Gnostic Gospels
673. The Cosmic Code (Heinz Pagels)
674. My Father's Glory (Marcel Pagnol)
675. My Mother's Castle (Marcel Pagnol)
676. Portable Dorothy Parker 610 (Selections 13 hrs Libby)
677. France and England in North America
678. Pensées and Other Writings (Blaise Pascal)
679. Doctor Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
680. Cry the Beloved Country (Alan Paton)
278. Kiss the Girls (Patterson)

681. Medieval in LA (Jim Paul)
682. Titus Groan
683. Gormenghast
684. Titus Alone (Mervyn Peake)

241. Book Lust (Pearl)
685. The Diary of Samuel Pepys
686. Life: A User's Manual
687. The Most of S.J. Perelman (S.J. Perelman)
242. A Reader's Delight (Noel Perrin)

688. Giving Up the Gun (Noel Perrin)
689. The Beast in the Nursery: On Curiosity and Other Appetites (Adam Phillips)
690. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath) *Why did I add this book myself?
691. Collected Dialogues (Plato)
693. The Bogey Man: A Month on the PGA Tour (George Plimpton)
694. The Letters of Pliny the Younger (Pliny the Younger)
695. Plutarch's Lives
696. Poetry and Tales (Edgar Allan Poe)
699. Old House of Fear (Russell Kirk)
702. The Travels of Marco Polo (Marco Polo)
703. The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter
704. The World of Peter Rabbit and His Friends (Potter)
705. The Wicked Pavilion (Dawn Powell)
706. Heisenberg's War (Thomas Powers)
707. A Glastonbury Romance
708. The House of Life (Mario Praz)
709. History of the Conquest of Mexico (William Prescott)
710. A Palpable God (Reynolds Price)
711. Clockers
In Search of Lost Time (Marcel Proust)

Swann’s Way

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

The Guermantes Way

Sodom and Gomorrah

The Prisoner (The Captive)

The Fugitive

Time Regained
713. The Golden Compass
714. Eugene Onegin (Pushkin)
716. Excellent Women
717. Gravity's Rainbow
718. The Quran
719. Old Glory
720. Gargantua and Pantagruel
721. Sparkle and Spin: A Book About Words (Ann Rand)
722. Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
723. Citizen (Claudia Rankine)
724. Swallows and Amazons

240. The List of Books (Raphael and Mcleish)
725. Period Piece (Gwen Raverat)
726. The Long Walk (Slavomir Rawicz)
727. Village School (Miss Read)
728. Mumbo Jumbo
729. Tender at the Bone (Reichel)
730. All Quiet on the Western Front
731. Lenin's Tomb: Last Days of the Soviet Empire (Remnick)
732. A Judgment in Stone
733. Wide Sargasso Sea
837. Interview With the Vampire (Rice)
734. The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
735. Illuminations (Arthur Rimbaud)
736. Midnight in Sicily (Peter Robb)
737. Gilead
738. Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez
739. The Tuscan Year (Romer)
740. The Walls Came Tumbling Down (Henriette Roosenburg)
741. Explaining Hitler (Ron Rosenbaum)
742. Call It Sleep
743. The Ghost Writer (Roth)
744. American Pastoral (Roth)
745. The Medical Detectives (Berton Rouechem)
746. Classic Crimes (William Roughead)
747. The Confessions (Rousseau)
748. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

749. The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy)
750. Guys and Dolls
751. Midnight's Children (Rushdie)
752. The Stones of Venice
753. The Longest Day (Cornelius Ryan)

Home (Rybczynski)

755. Captain Blood
756. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (Oliver Sacks)
757. All Passion Spent (Vita Sackville-West)
758. The Dragons of Eden (Carl Sagan)
759. The Sagas of Icelanders (Various)
760. The Little Prince
762. Memoirs of the Duc De Saint-Simon (Arkwright trans)
763. The Catcher in the Rye
764. Light Years
765. Lost in Place (Mark Salzman)
766. Stung With Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho
767. No Exit
768. The Memoirs of George Sherston

642. Persepolis (Satrapi)
769. Landscape and Memory (Simon Schama)
761. Saint-Exupery: A Biography (Stacy Schiff)
770. Forms of Devotion (Diane Schoemperlen)
771. The Last of the Just (Andre Schwarz-Bart)

772. The Emigrants
773. Where the Wild Things Are
715. The Golden Gate (Vikram Seth)
774. The Killer Angels
775. Romeo and Juliet
776. Julius Caesar
777. A Midsummer Night's Dream
778. Shakespeare's Sonnets
779. Richard II (William Shakespeare)
780. Henry IV, Part I
781. Henry IV, Part II
782. Henry V
783. Hamlet
784. Othello
785. King Lear
786. Macbeth
787. The Tempest
788. Pygmalion
560. Bernard Shaw: Collected Letters 1874-1950 789. Frankenstein
790. The Stone Diaries
791. Berlin Diary: Foreign Correspondent 1934-41 (Shirer)
792. The Pillow Book (Sei Shonagon)
793. Bread and Wine (Ignazio Silone)
794. City (Clifford D. Simak)
795. Maigret and the Man on the Bench (Georges Simenon)
796. Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer

797. The Three Golden Keys (Peter Sis)
798. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
799. Sailing Alone Around the World
800. Artful (Ali Smith)
801. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
802. I Capture the Castle (Dodie Smith)

803. Polar Star, Martin Cruz Smith
804. A Simple Plan
701. Topper (Thorne Smith)
805. White Teeth
806. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
807. Longitude (Sobel)
808. River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West (Rebecca Solnit)
809. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
810. The Gulag Archipelago

811. Antigone (Sophocles)
812. Oedipus the King (Sophocles)
813. Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
814. Aké: The Years of Childhood (Wole Soyinka)
815. Memento Mori (Muriel Spark)
816. The Complete Maus (Art Speigelman)
817. Corinne (Germaine De Staël)
818. The Valleys of the Assassins (Freya Stark)
819. Japanese Inn (Oliver Statler)
820. The Man Who Loved Children
821. A Woman, a Man, and Two Kingdoms (Steegmuller)
822. Angle of Repose (Wallace Stegner)
823. Abel's Island (William Steig)
824. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein
825. The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
826. TThCharley (John Steinbeck)

827. After Babel (George Steiner)
828. The Red and the Black
829. Quicksilver
830. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
831. Treasure Island
833. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson)
834. A Child's Garden of Verses
835. Letters of a Woman Homesteader (Elinore Pruitt Stewart)
836. Dracula
838. Fer-De-Lance (Stout)

700. Lost Boy, Lost Girl (Straub)
839. Alice James (Jean Strouse)

351. Morgan: American Financier (Jean Strouse)
840. Sophie's Choice
841. The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius)
842. Zeno's Conscience (Italo Svevo, Trans. William Weaver)
843. Gulliver's Travels
844. The Quest for Corvo (A. J. A. Symons)
845. Map (Wislawa Szymborska)
846. The Histories (Tacitus)

The Annals (Tacitus)
847. Fame and Obscurity (Gay Talese)
848. This One Summer (Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki)
849. The Joy Luck Club
850. Tao Te Ching
851. The Secret History
852. The Surprise of Cremona (Edith Templeton)
853. The Daughter of Time
854. Vanity Fair
855. How to Tell When You're Tired: A Brief Examination of Work (Reg Theriault)
856. The Great Railway Bazaar
857. Arabian Sands
858. Religion and the Decline of Magic (Keith Thomas)
859. The Lives of a Cell (Lewis Thomas)
860. On Growth And Form (Thompson)
861. Lark Rise to Candleford (Flora Thompson)
862. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Hunter S. Thompson)
863. Eloise
865. Walden (Henry David Thoreau)

History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
867. The Thurber Carnival
868. Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number (Jacobo Timerman)
869. Celestine: Voices From a French Village (Gillian Tindall)
870. Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr.
871. Democracy in America
872. The Hobbit (Tolkien)
873. The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)

880. War and Peace (Tolstoy)
881. Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
882. The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Tolstoy)

883. The Sea and the Jungle (H. M. Thomlinson)
884. Small Talk at Wreyland (Cecil Torr)
885. The Great Good Thing (Roderick Townley)
886. Centuries of Meditations (Thomas Traherne)
887. Garibaldi and the Thousand (George Macaulay Trevelyan)
888. The Collected Stories (William Trevor) (William Trevor)
889. Hermit of Peking (Hugh Trevor Roper)
890. The Warden (Trollope)
891. Within the Context of No Context (George W.S. Trow)
892. The Guns of August by Barbara W. Tuchman
893. Presumed Innocent
895. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
896. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)

897. Letters From the Earth
898. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (Anne Tyler)
899. Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology (Ellen Ullman)
900. Kristin Lavransdatter (Sigrid Undset)
901. Maples Stories (John Updike)

875. The Dying Earth (Vance)
902. The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Vincent Van Gogh)
903. The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Giorgio Vasari)
904. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
905. Burr (Vidal)
906. The Aeneid
907. Candide

908. Elizabeth and Her German Garden (Elizabeth Von Arnim)
909. Slaughterhouse-Five (Kurt Vonnegut)
910. Girl in Hyacinth Blue (Susan Vreeland)
911. Holy Land (D.J. Waldie)
912. The Color Purple (Alice Walker)
913. The Complete Angler
914. Among Others

484. The Boxcar Children (Warner)
915. The Element of Lavishness (Warner, etc.)
916. Beautiful Swimmers (William W. Warner)
917. All the King's Men
918. Up from Slavery (Booker T. Washington)

919. The Double Helix
920. The Loved One (Evelyn Waugh)
921. A Coffin for King Charles (C.V. Wedgwood)
922. Simone Weil: An Anthology (Simone Weil)
923. The Invisible Man
924. The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
925. Boggs: A Comedy of Values (Lawrence Weschler)
926. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (Rebecca West)
927. The Hot Rock
928. The Age of Innocence (Edith Wharton)
929. Charlotte's Web

The Once and Future King
931. The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White
932. The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead)
933. Leaves of Grass
934. Night

935. Kaddish (Leon Wieseltier)
936. The Poems of Richard Wilbur (Richard Wilbur)
937. The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)

485. Little House in the Big Woods (Laura Wilder)
938. The Bridge of San Luis Rey (Thornton Wilder)
939. Stoner (Williams)
940. A Streetcar Named Desire
941. Tarka the Otter
942. Lincoln at Gettysburg (Wills)

296. Dearest Friend: A Life of Abigail Adams (Lynne Withey)

944. Israel and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Edmund Wilson)
945. Naturalist (E.O. Wilson)
946. April 1865 (Jay Winik)
947. Pigs Have Wings (P. G. Wodehouse)
948. Look Homeward, Angel (Thomas Wolfe)
949. The Bonfire of the Vanities (Tom Wolfe)

950. The Common Reader (Virginia Woolf)
951. A Moment's Liberty: The Shorter Diary (Virginia Woolf)
952. To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
953. Orlando (Virginia Woolf)
955. The Prelude and Other Poetry (Wordsworth)
956. Native Son (Richard Wright)
957. The Invention of Nature (Andrea Wulf)
958. The Day of the Triffids (John Wyndham)
The Zoom Trilogy (Tim Wynne-Jones)

Zoom at Sea

Zoom Away

Zoom Upstream
960. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
961. Memoirs of Hadrian CBCPL 347
962. Swallowing Clouds (A. Zee) Amazon 386
Within This Wilderness (Feenie Ziner) NL/Amazon Expensive 225
964. Germinal (Émile Zola) Lib 617
A Part of Myself (Carl Zuckmayer) 144 NL

+ 2 Volumes from the Civil War under Foote


Swallows and Amazons (1000 Books to Read)

After reading a sad but good book ( From Here to the Great Unknown ) and a terrible book ( Something Happened ), reading a sweet, wholesome,...